CWW 047I believe the most important aspect of having a successful health care practice is creating a space where clients feel safe and welcome, and know that they are being heard.

Whether the health practice is providing acupuncture, massage, naturopathy or personal training – we need a client base that values and trusts the expertise we have to share. Without people to treat or advise then we aren’t going to be in business for very long.

At Therapy Masters we pride ourselves on tailoring treatments that best meet the needs of our clients. That means we take the time to talk to each of their clients at the start of each booking they have with us. We ask them how are they feeling. Do they have any aches or problem areas? How has life been treating them at home and at work? How did they feel after their last treatment?


This investment in time is vital to be able to tailor a treatment that will best help our client, as well as building rapport to gain a client’s trust. If our clients can’t relax, then we struggle to provide them with a beneficial treatment. Have you ever tried to massage someone who is lying rigid on a table? It’s like trying to knead a wooden board. Not a lot of muscular relaxation occurs if the client can’t trust their therapist enough to unwind.

I also feel that one of the benefits that comes with alternative health care is that we spend a dedicated amount of time actually with our clients. It’s not like your standard appointment to the GP, where the Doctor spends more time looking at their computer, typing up notes and writing scripts, than making eye contact with their patient. Most alternative health care practitioners spend at least 10 minutes speaking directly to their clients, making and keeping eye contact, while they learn about their lives and medical histories. For clients with complicated or detailed histories we can take up to 30 minutes to speak with them, so that we can gain a better understanding of their health concerns and how we can best assist them.

Once clients know that you provide a safe and welcoming environment where they are heard and understood, then word of mouth recommendations soon start to TherapyMasters Lisa Treatingspread. I have found that word of mouth referrals are still the most common way for people to have heard about my health practice. When it comes to our health we trust the recommendation of family, friends and colleagues that go before us.


People skills in a health practice also extend beyond the therapist-client relationship. They also flow in to the way we speak to our clients on the phone, how we handle any cancellations or reschedules, the words and language we use to take a booking, or check in with our clients between treatments.

I’m fortunate that my people skills were developed in childhood through family interactions and by starting to work in retail in my mid teens. I often find the health practitioners with the best people skills have had experience in either the retail or hospitality industries. Working in these industries hone people skills by allowing the workers to deal with a high volumes of people from all walks of life, and they know how to make customers feel heard and valued with a simple smile or by just saying hello or thank you.

People skills in a health care setting aren’t any more complicated. Smile at your clients. Be polite. Remember their name. Ask them how they are. Get to know them. Thank them for trusting you to care for them, and you’ll be building a successful health practice one client interaction at a time.

Photos by: Tracy Lee Photography 


About Lisa LaMaitre
Lisa LaMaitre is a Business and Health Writer, Wellness Presenter, Lifestyle Adviser, and Business Creative. She is the Managing Director of Therapy Masters, a health practice in Canberra City. As well as being the Creator of Canberra Wise Women, which is a live event sharing inspirational stories of local Canberra women.